Mindaugas Kasparavičius is the founder and CEO of the company M.K. Reetdach Profis UG. Since 2004, I have been working with thatched roofs made from reed. I fell in love with this trade and poured all my energy into it. Additionally, I am a certified civil engineer and graduated in 2018. Having worked with thatched roofs for many years, I have seen almost everything concerning thatched roofs and am familiar with many different techniques and technologies for the covering of thatched roofs. During this time, I used the experience gathered in the course of my entrepreneurship to offer my customer top-quality services.
Our work has been carried out in numerous countries: Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, France, Latvia and Lithuania. In light of my experience, I consider myself to be an expert in thatched roofs. We have roofed, repaired and renovated many thatched roofs for private customers. We have always placed a strong emphasis on private orders.
Germany, general contractor is Krüger Bau Bernau GMBH. 30 recreational buildings with thatched roofs were constructed.
Latvia, Amata “Amatciems” is an eco-village with extraordinary buildings and inhabitants. 16 buildings in this village received a thatched roof.
Netherlands, Ouddorp “STRAND RESORT OUDDORP DUIN” general contractor Ballast Nedam BV. 123 recreational buildings were constructed, some with thatched roofs.
Netherlands “Noordzee beath village”, general contractor is “Heijmans” BV. 65 holiday homes were constructed, some with thatched roofs.
Holland Ferienpark „Die Heihorsten“. Es wurden 100 Freizeithäuser mit Reetdächern gebaut.
In the 21st century, people care about the environment, natural resources and ecology. This happened because the world’s ecosystem is in a very bad shape. The powers that have taken various measures to mitigate these effects. These decisions also affected thatched roofs – the requirements for energy efficiency of buildings and renewable energy sources are raised more and more.
Ecological building is becoming increasingly popular in the construction sector, which has had an impact on the construction of high-rise buildings, office buildings and individual houses. Due to the increasing demand for natural building materials, their market share is growing steadily. Today, there is a large selection of environmentally friendly construction products.
Reed, or cane, is one of the oldest natural building materials. Primarily, this material was used in areas where reed grew naturally, i.e. in the vicinity of seas, lakes, rivers or flooded meadows.
In Europe, thatched roofs have been traditionally used for thousands of years.
Thatched roofs have enjoyed great popularity in Europe for many years and their demand is growing steadily; they are being used increasingly not only for individual buildings, but also for the construction of offices, hotels and even high-rise buildings. Straw coverings are increasingly being used to decorate façades. Today, buildings with thatched roofs can not only be adapted to the nature around us, but also to the urban architecture of a city.
At first glance, construction of thatched roofs and façades may seem easy and uncomplicated. When analysing the technological foundations of this process, it becomes apparent that this is a complex process that requires a lot of experience and diligence, on purpose the reed layer to be long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing.
With our experience, we can guarantee to offer you a high-quality thatched roof. When availing of our services, you will be able to enjoy your beautiful new thatched roof for a long time.
M.K. Reetdach Profis UG
VAT ID No. in accordance with Art. 27A VAT Act: DE365083633
CEO Mindaugas Kaparavicius
Created by: perse.lt