Often, a change of the reed covering also necessitates a renewal of the roof construction. Sometimes this is necessary because the condition of the roof structure is poor and renovation of the roof structure is required. Sometimes it happens because the entire roof construction dies not meet modern standards. During renovation of your thatched roof, you can install skylights of the type Velux and prepare locations for the installation of photovoltaic.
The following tasks are completed during renovation of the roof construction:
Following completion of the above-named works, new reed will be laid.
During a roof inspection, the necessary works will be determined. If this is the case, it is sometimes not possible to see the condition of the roof structure, as the interior is covered with trim and the reeds hide everything from the outside. In this case, everything is solved once the old reed cover is removed. The customer already knows the possible prices of the works, as the prices of any works required are stated in the price quotation.
When performing a professional roof renovation, you will save money as the heating costs for your building will decrease.
A perfect micro-climate for your life will be created.
M.K. Reetdach Profis UG
VAT ID No. in accordance with Art. 27A VAT Act: DE365083633
CEO Mindaugas Kaparavicius
Created by: perse.lt